HomeArtistsInterview with Surrealist Sadoun: The Essence of “Abstract Me”

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Sadoun is a true master of his craft, an artist whose work is as breathtakingly beautiful as it is socially relevant.

Interview with Surrealist Sadoun: The Essence of “Abstract Me”

Interviewer: Sadoun, your latest work, “Abstract Me”, presents a fascinating deconstruction of self-identity. Can you tell us more about the concept behind this and what inspired you to represent identity in such a fragmented way?

Sadoun: In the labyrinth of my mind, where each thought is a brushstroke, I perceive identity not as a singular entity but as a myriad of selves, each echoing a different melody. In “Abstract Me”, I sought to capture this multiplicity. It’s akin to gazing into a kaleidoscope where each turn reveals a new facet of the self. My inspiration comes from the complex human psyche, a realm of conflicting emotions and hidden depths. In essence, this piece is a reflection of the internal mosaic that makes us who we are, ever-changing, never static.

Interviewer: Your approach to surrealism often involves exploring the subconscious. How does “Abstract Me” serve as a representation of your inner self and the complex layers of your psyche?

Sadoun: “Abstract Me” is my subconscious mind rendered visible. It’s a canvas where my emotions, thoughts, and dreams converge in a surreal dance. Each stroke is an echo of my inner voice, sometimes harmonious, other times discordant. This artwork is a voyage into the depths of my being, where logic fades and the surreal reigns. It reveals the chaotic, unstructured essence of my inner self, a stark contrast to the orderly façade we often present to the world.

Interviewer: Your self-portrait challenges conventional portraiture. What motivated you to shift the focus from capturing a realistic likeness to embracing the essence and abstract qualities of the individual?

Sadoun: In a world obsessed with appearances, I wanted to transcend the superficial. Conventional portraiture captures the shell, but I yearn to depict the soul. “Abstract Me” is an invitation to delve into the unseen, the aspects of ourselves hidden beneath the surface. This artwork is a rebellion against the norm, a declaration that true essence lies in our intangible qualities – our thoughts, dreams, fears, and desires. It’s an endeavor to capture the uncatchable, to paint the invisible melodies of the human spirit.

Interviewer: Your work also seems to reflect on the nature of perception. How do you think “Abstract Me” comments on how we perceive ourselves and how this perception might be distorted?

Sadoun: “Abstract Me” is a mirror, but not of the physical form. It reflects how our perception of ourselves is often a distorted reality, shaped by our experiences, biases, and societal influences. This artwork is an exploration of this distorted self-view, a surreal depiction of how we might see ourselves in a world unbound by the constraints of conventional perception. It suggests that our self-image is an abstract construct, ever-fluid and subject to the whims of our subconscious.

Interviewer: Finally, can you elaborate on the title “Abstract Me” and the multiple meanings it embodies in the context of your surrealistic, deformed self-portraiture?

Sadoun: “Abstract Me” is a title that resonates on multiple levels. It signifies the abstraction of the self – a concept that our identity is not concrete but an ever-evolving abstract form. This title encapsulates the essence of the artwork – a journey into the surreal, where the self is not a singular entity but a dynamic amalgamation of various elements. It’s a testament to the complexities of self-identity, a recognition of the inner self’s chaotic nature, a challenge to traditional portraiture, a reflection on the fluidity of perception, and above all, a celebration of the unique, often contradictory, tapestry that composes each individual. In this surrealistic endeavor, “Abstract Me” stands as an open invitation to the viewer to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and reflection.


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